Flour sack kitchen towels, hand-stamped with my own linocut images are some of the best sellers in shops that carry my work. This new batch is headed over to Dandelions in Barre later this week. SHOP SMALL! Stop by or shop online! https://dandelionsbarre.com/
A popular item
Almost finished!
The blog posts here on the Little House website may have seemed a bit scarce lately, but behind the scenes it’s a totally different story! Here is a project that has been in the works for over two years. This piece, made up of 16 canvases, contains collaged monoprints that I’ve been creating between other projects. Click on the thumbnail for a close-up view. It’s coming together nicely, and the end is in sight. Stay tuned!
Making broken things whole again
What’s old is new again
Out and about
…aaaand, we’re back!
I fantasized about endless, rambling studio hours when the weather was warming up this past spring, but life got in the way. “Clumps” of creative time were all I could muster, but not nearly enough to fill me up. And alas, here we are, holidays fast approaching and 2022 is winding to a close.
But, some fun new crafty things did happen! Here are a few of examples of items that are heading over to Dandelions gift shop in Barre, and they may end up at holiday fairs near you! Keep your eyes open!
The silver lining
Summer break
I’m taking a short break from indoor art projects, but wanted to post a snapshot of the beauty all around the studio, including the oh-so-inviting front porch! Ideas are percolating, but for now, I’m enjoying this relaxed summer pace. I’d also like to point out the finished chicken mosaic in its summer location. It was a fun project and I’m pretty happy with the finished result.
Getting ready to celebrate MOM!
Chicken mosaic
There are multiple projects in various stages of completion in the studio, the biggest of which is a mosaic that will hang on the wall of the front porch as soon as it’s finished. That will open the workspace for fun projects I have planned with some of my young artist friends. Spring is HERE! Windows are OPEN!