What’s new at the studio


A chick-tych

A February studio-cation is off to a productive start. This series of chicken paintings was started a few weeks ago, and is now well on its way to being finished!


And now, for something new and different…

Sometimes, you just have to play! These paper mache love birds were started years ago, and had been sitting on a shelf in the studio. Last weekend they were finished off with paint, feathers and wooden elements, and dropped off to sell at my favorite local shop – just in time for Valentine’s Day!

She’s finished… finally!

After starting this huge (30″ x 30″) canvas well over a year ago, it’s finally finished! Cabin fever has its benefits – a productive push is happening at Little House… stay tuned – more over-sized pantings are in the works!

Valentines for Dandelions

Chilly winter days on the outside, cozy days inside the studio. Preparing some fun Valentine pieces for Dandelions Gift Shop in Barre.